natalie kucken

new york city

i was flown to new york city for twenty six hours to accept an award at carnegie hall that i won for a photograph of mine. it was the first time i'd ever been there, i had been dreaming of it for months and months. my mind was lost when i took off at sunrise through the clouds. it's another world in the city. the streets are endless and i wanted to walk forever. i felt like i was in a dream the whole time, i couldn't stop staring at the people passing and the building edges and the tree leaf shadows. later in the night i met with photographers jordan tiberio, matt holmes, monika balazy, mary claire roman and sandy honig. it was so surreal to know them online and then to be surrounded by them, they were real. i remember sending a friendship bracelet to mary claire two years ago, and now she was standing in front of me. when i was staring out the back window of a car heading towards queens over the 59th street bridge, i knew i would be back. i plan to stay there for a week or two in august, if you live there and have a spare floor for me to sleep on for any time at all, email me. i will take your picture and tell you stories.

my first time on a plane since i was a child
the place of old films
mesmerized by the size and beauty of the ads
buildings buildings 
stranger in central park
me in central park with help from my father
the streets were lined with buildings as far as i could see
chanel display with window reflection
monika, jordan, matt, mary claire, sandy
mary claire, matt, monika
mary claire photographing jordan 
matt photographing jordan
mirror (monika, me, sandy, jordan)
jordan hugging mary claire goodbye 
couple in st. patrick's cathedral 
flying out of the city
i will return


  1. everything in this post is utter brilliance, you captured new york city in a way i've never seen it before. the buildings "as far as i could see" picture is so timeless and perfectly describes it.
    everything here seems so unreal but plain as day. amazing
    congratulations for winning, carnegie hall, WOW!

    i had the same feeling when i left new york, that i'd be back for sure.

  2. This is gorgeous Natalie, gorgeous indeed! And congratualtion for having won the award!! wooow!!!!!!! That's huge!

  3. cute photos. i like the "dawn" photo the most.

  4. I love the 6th one from Central Park. You made our city looks so much bigger than it really is, I love it.

  5. I love your photos, want to go to NY too!

  6. this is absolutely stunning, i love the tone of the photos! x

  7. I absolutely love the overlays/double exposures, very nice!

  8. These are all so wonderful! I love taking photos from a plane, you get such an interesting view of everything~

    Congratulations on your award ♥

  9. these are grand, natalie. congratulations on your award.
    i would allow you to stay in my house if i lived in new york. if you ever do drop by dc, be sure to say hello and i am sure we could spare the room downstairs. xx

  10. Really cool imagery. Congratulations on your award! (I used to be a NYer but I've moved out west).


    and yes, these are the most beautiful photographs of nyc, ever.

  12. you captured everything so beautiful! I love these photographs

  13. You're reminding a new yorker about the dreamy beauty of the love love.

  14. wow, that's so amazing! nice photos!
